The New Cutis Lift Treatment


The New Cutis Lift Treatment

Have you ever looked in the mirror and lifted your face slightly with your fingers? Well, now we have a treatment that can do just that! The Cutis Lift combines radio-frequency with microneedling technology to stimulate collagen, elastin and hyaluronic acid beneath the skin. The superfine gold-tipped needles target the deeper dermal layer, transforming cells to give tighter, smoother, younger-looking skin after just one session. For optimal results, 3 sessions 1 month apart are required. This treatment has minimal downtime and uses proven technology to give you tighter firmer skin.

  • 1 Session €500
  • 3 Sessions €1500 includes a starter pack of skincare. (See Susan's results after just 2 sessions below)
  • 5 Session €2000